For emergencies, please dial 911 for immediate assistance

One Call Can Make a Difference

Human trafficking is in our community and we need your help to identify and report cases that you may encounter. If you spot a case of potential human trafficking or you are a victim, please contact one of the numbers below.

Human trafficking hotline (Interpreters available)

(888) 373-7888

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

(866) 347-2423

You can also fill out the ICE Tip Form to report suspected criminal activity.

In Central Missouri:

STop Human Trafficking coalition’s toll-free number

(866) 590-5959

FBI (Kansas City)

(816) 512-8200

Columbia Police Department – “Crime Stoppers” Tip Line

(573) 875-8477

Domestic Violence/Sexual Violence Shelters

In 2018, the Department of Homeland Security opened 849 investigations related to human trafficking