Join Us for Our Community Meetings on the First Thursday of each month

There has never been an easier way to give.

Imagine the sense of relief a newly exited survivor feels when provided with safe lodging and a new cell phone so her traffickers can’t reach her. Can you picture the joy on a survivor’s face when she is able to put gas in her car to go to work or buy groceries?

When you purchase any of the items from our Amazon wishlist or make a donation to cover the cost of any of the items below, you’re not just helping a survivor stay safe or get to work, you’re building her self-esteem and her sense of independence.Β  You’re paving her road to self-sufficiency.


  • Trauma Therapy sessions – $70 – $300
  • Gas card – $20
  • Grocery card – $40
  • Vet services for therapy animals – $50
  • Emergency Lodging – $50-$350
  • A month of cell phone service – $60


Make a general donation in honor of a Loved One in support of Survivors at


In 2018, the Department of Homeland Security opened 849 investigations related to human trafficking