We’re thrilled to offer free training and presentations on human trafficking to all ages and groups! Our engaging sessions are designed to educate and empower, providing crucial knowledge to help combat this issue. Whether you’re a school, community group, business, or organization, we’re here to inform and inspire action. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference—contact us today for more information or to schedule a presentation. Let’s work together to raise awareness and create a safer world for everyone!

If you are interested in scheduling a presentation, please fill out the form below or call our office at 866-590-5959, Ext 5 to get connected.

Check out our other resources!

American Psychological association report of the task on the trafficking of women and girls

Executive summary of APA Report 

APA Full report 

Unicef human trafficking fact sheet

UNICEF compiled a fact sheet about human trafficking in the US and ways that you can help. If you are interested in learning more about human trafficking and things you can do to take action, view the PDF or visit their website.

Human Trafficking Videos

“Not For Sale… The Documentary”

Martina Vandenberg Lecture: “Human Trafficking: Ending the Myths, Confronting the Realities”

“Sold” Anti-Human Trafficking Documentary pt. 1 

“Sold” Anti-Human Trafficking Documentary pt. 2

“For the Record: Human Trafficking in the United States”

Human Trafficking Documentary

CMSHTSC-Paul Pepper Interview with our founder, Nanette

Free “Rescue and Restore” Brochures, Posters, Videos, Etc.

These are free anti-trafficking resources you can use in your next community meeting—courtesy of the U.S. Department of health and human services. These can be used to give away during community hearings and other gatherings to share information with others in your area. The more educated your community is, the more people can identify red flags and risks, and the safer your area will become.

Human Trafficking Cheat Sheet

This fact sheet gives you general information about human trafficking, what it is and who is affected. If you are looking to begin learning about human trafficking and understanding the issue of modern-day slavery, this is a great resource for you.

Potential Trafficking Indicators

This sheet is a list of red flag you can keep in mind when encountering possible victims of human trafficking. No matter your profession, age, or gender, these are great tools to keep in mind in case you ever encounter victims. Your action could be the difference between freedom and slavery for someone.

In 2018, the Department of Homeland Security opened 849 investigations related to human trafficking